Thursday, June 27, 2013


Guru Rinpoche, also known as Second Buddha was born miraculously from the lotus in the middle of lake Dhanakosha. 

Guru was called as second Buddha which was one of the prophesied of Lord Buddha. after Lord Buddha's prophesied, Guru Rinpoche was born on tenth day of Bhutanese calendar. 

The importance that we have to know here is that it was a day when Guru bought all the activities and the teachings of Buddha for the benefit of all sentient beings.

 In 8th century Guru Rinpoche had visited many places in  Bhutan like in the east Bumthang, Lhuntse, etc..and in west place like Paro. We the people of Bhutan are lucky to be born in this religious country which was blessed by teachings of Buddha and Guru Rinpoche. 

It was the of king Bumthang (Sindhu Raja) around in 746 AD who has invited Guru in order to recover his life where the king was ill .  with his blessings king was recovered from his illness, also Guru had mediated and subdued demons with his super natural power which bought peaceful to the king and people of Bhutan. later he has built lhakang named kurje and holly water as we can see today.

Today on auspicious day on the birth anniversary of GURU RINPOCHE it is the time where our human being should always think  that with the bless and his teachings is still exiting for beings and here we have to show our gratitude by offering butter lamps and by visiting temples and dzongs...

Friday, June 7, 2013



Gross National Happiness was introduced in Bhutan in the political discourse in the 1960s by late King of Bhutan, Jigme Dorji Wangchuk. It was fourth Druk Gyalpo Jigme Singye Wangchuck,  where the idea was articulated in 1971 with his famous statement that "Gross National Happiness is more important than "Gross National Product".

first of all we have to know what happiness is all about and how happiness can be created or achieved among the individual. GNH is all about understanding as we are born in this beautiful country Bhutan. The word understanding itself means emotional process of comprehension, assimilation of knowledge, which is subject by its nature is more related to the apotheosis to contribute to Gross National Happiness. The word happiness is simple to get the meaning but difficult to gain in reality by individuals in practically. The four pillars of GNH: sustainable and Equitable Socio-economic Development, Good Governance, Preservation and promotion of Culture Heritage and Environment conservation, which needs more support to the some extent in order to wave throughout the year in the society to carry forever. 

As I personally came to know that GNH can be sustained with the help of individual understanding in their own heart. Here what I really want to maxim the way of understanding is only thing that can bring real happiness in the world. Understanding between our friends, family, citizens of country and natures could really bring the root of Gross National Happiness in the country. understanding between our friends while they are in need of help and support them, supporting to the  people living in country with poverty should be solved by individual by thinking or understanding that every living should be equally treated by the wealthy person so, here the person having wealth must have the feeling of understanding to such people so that poorer will ultimately be happy by getting help from them, even the God come to know that he/she has contributed to the living beings and gradually increase the wealth with the compassion towards other people.

So, here as a writer i would be thankful that if  individual could kindly keep the word understanding in your heart every time and any where, be ready to aid if u see or come to face on the spot. With
all together we can able to promote GNH and fulfill the vision of our king, this is what we call as "Gross National Happiness".